Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday AM

Blog 76
It is a beautiful Saturday here in Kenya. My voice to text is not cooperating so this may be short. Yesterday morning I took time to create a flannel board out of some scrapes of paneling and wood. It was just the kind of project I enjoy most making something out of things I already have. Ann and I worked together to cover in felt she had brought along.  After lunch we drove into Ziwa to the college. The vehicle was a white pick up truck. Ann and I sat in the front on the left since it was a right hand drive. The Ward's, Silas and his nieces piled in the back and we were off. The farms along the way were beautiful. The road left some to be desired. The buildings along the way were mostly adobe. We passed and were passed by all manner of vehicles. All of the people we passed whether adults or children all stopped to stare. 
The Bible College meets on in an average sized classroom on the second floor of a large masonry building housing both businesses and apartments. There were about 15 students assembled for the announced orientation. Silas handled the whole hour including the introductions. Most of his presentation was done from his laptop via a digital projector. As soon as he was finished we all started plugging in our electronic devices for charging. By the time we got them all connected we had 2 computers, a water purifier, a camera, three phones and an external phone battery attached. Silas's home is powered by a solar cell that powers a lamp in every room. During the day the batteries are charged along with all the devices mentioned above.  Sometimes everything just like it fully charged. 
On the way home we had several extra passengers. We took a different route to drop them all off. It was almost dark by the time we got home. 

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