Another beautiful day here in Kenya. The sun is bright and the sky is cloudless. Yesterday Ryan and I helped finish hanging the gates to the church. We tried to support the gates with Bobwire but it didn't hold. Today we are going to use stronger wire. Gracie wants to say hi. Caleb is standing beside me wondering how I can dictate into my phone. Yesterday we had a church service in the unfinished church building. Tarps were spread over the top to keep us in the shade and away from the heat of the afternoon sun. Ryan preached a sermon on the great Commission while Silas translated. During the sermon Ann took the children outside with Mary their Sunday school teacher for a children's lesson. While Ann talked about Zacchaeus, Mary translated. After the sermon the children returned. We worshiped to the accompaniment of the keyboard powered by a Twelve volt battery. It was a very joyous occasion.
After the service while we were taking down the tarps Mary brought some tea from her house. Ryan and Ann got to meet some of the students that will be in the Bible College on Monday. It was really good to meet some of the students before hand and talk to them about what they were studying. The six of us went to Mary's for supper. We had a corn dish called ugaly. Along with that we had potatoes and two kinds of greens. Walking home after dark the sky was filled with stars. At first I questioned whether we could see the Big Dipper. It turned out that we could and also the tail of the Little dipper. The rest of the sky was filled with bright constellations which I never remember seeing. When we arrived home we were offered a roasted corn snack. Corn is roasted on the cob over a charcoal fire. The kernels do not pop but they get very crisp and are very tasty as you pick them one by one off the cob. We were all too tired to have corn so we all went to bed early last night. I have been toying with the idea of growing a beard but I think today the stubble is going to come off. I haven't found any great encouragement in the effort from the ladies on the trip.
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