Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday July 24

Blog 724
Ann's class yesterday was given the assignment of making game pieces for certain activities used as competitive ways to have children review Bible lessons. It was fun to watch the energy they put into their cutting, marking and gluing of the colorful materials provided. By the time they finished the tables were piled high with zip lock bags each containing the instructions and parts necessary to conduct fun review and memorization activities with children. One of the activities was to make a bean bag. Mary and I walked over to the market to purchase a 25 kilo bag of rice for the insides. Nobody thought the old man (a term I seem to hear more often each day I am here) could carry fifty pounds across the parking lot and up the steps to the college so one of the shop keepers handled the chore. Mary had no idea that the large bag had been purchased with the idea that what was left would be a gift from us to her and her family. The smiles on their faces when we told them as they were getting out of the pickup indicated that our little thank you gift could not have been more appreciated. 
The plan for supper was to walk across the fields to Silas' brother's house if it was not raining. It wasn't actually raining but it was threatening and Silas feared the roads would be too muddy. With the new top we have the advantage of rain shield but the problem of getting enough fresh air to dispel the exhaust fumes. On the main road air coming in from the front vented area is adequate but on the muddy back roads the supply of fresh air was a bit marginal. The great thing about being here is that there're always ways to improve make something better out of what you have to work with.  We arrived in just a few minutes and were welcome into a small sitting room with chairs and couches lining the walls each one fronted by a coffee table.  While we were waiting for dinner Gracie taught Hillary our faithful pickup chauffeur to play Rock Paper Scissors. He is very quick to catch on to our games and was very quickly out in the lead much to the amusement of all the guests.  The dinner was served in the insulated serving dishes common here in Kenya. Rice, potatoes, chicken, beans and lentils were on the menu tonight. Silas' sister-in-law is a specialist in cooking chicken. I would share some of her special recipe tricks but we were all sworn to secrecy. We got home well after 9:00 which is long after dark. The day/night ratio is almost equal here year round so sunrises and sunsets vary little from six o'clock morning and night. Walking the muddy roads and paths would have been quite a challenge especially with the kids who were pretty tired by that time of night. 
It is now Thursday morning. We left home four weeks ago today. This morning since Ryan left we have been working on making game pieces to help those who missed class yesterday or struggled to finish. Gracie and Caleb joined in cutting and pasting and picking out appropriate stickers when game pieces required them. They are such a big help in so many ways. Kenyans love children and they make a bridge many many times. Time to get ready to go with Ann to class thanks for you interest and your prayers. 

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