Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday AM

Blog 716
When I got to read yesterday's blog I saw the voice to txt translated Ryan to Brian. My apologies to both :)
It is Tuesday morning here. As utility infielder my assignment was to come into Ziwa to print some docs for Ryan on the new printer. Our vehicle has had some carburetor issues and since gas is over $5 a gallon we don't get a lot each time. To make a long story short when we ran out of gas we walked the last mile or two. I am waiting for my computer to adapt to the printer and then I will be printing some docs for Ryan. We bought the new printer on Friday but without electricity at Silas' house other than his solar panel we only printed what the car battery would allow. The power has just gone off here so my usefulness may be somewhat limited. Yesterday we brought the new printer here from Silas' house. On the way here the hoses between the add on ink reservoirs got air in them. Installation to the school computer was unsuccessful as was the installation to Silas's computer so by lunch time no printing had been done. I had been trying to get on line to post an update while the software was loading. I had no service. Finally I shut my phone down completely and voila. I was connected at full strength. I quickly posted a blog and a few pics. I noticed later that Ryan came out of my voice to text as Bryan along with some other errors. 
After lunch Ryan went to work on the printer and managed to get it working. I worked on getting Ann's phone to create an online hotspot. With that I was able to post some files from Ryan's computer. I was told his post was cut off mid sentence so we will have to examine and revisit that issue. If you are getting the idea we are at the outer limits of our resources and our capabilities you are getting a true take on the situation. Just as it seems we are getting things going another challenge presents itself. Ryan has been waiting for his class notes to be printed and we now have about half way while I sit here and wait for electric power to resume. Ann was supposed to get some of her docs done on the new printer today but if the power stays off we may not get too far today. I am continuing on Wednesday   The power did return. It had interrupted the printer install so my computer acted as of it had a virus. I reset my computer to earlier in the day and after some trouble shooting we started printing. Soon I discovered that we were skipping some pages. We got that straightened out and then the printer was indicating " out of black ink". The printer had been modified to Handle large ink reservoirs which were very full. Time for lunch so I gave up.
After lunch Ryan the younger generation took over. By mid afternoon the process was running smoothly and now it was just a question of playing catch up.
When Ann was finished teaching we all went across the street to the market. Tuesday is market day in Zewa and the market area teems with venders and shoppers. Celeb has had shillings burning a hole in his pocket for a week. He has been in a fever to buy a Kenyan panga. (machete!). He managed to find one with Ryan's help. Both kids bought some souvenirs for friends back home. A mission group from the US was holding forth with guitars and a vocal group belting out gospel songs. When the white pickup headed south there were three in the front and eleven lining the two benches in the bed. 

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